Message of the United Nations & related collected 1988

Filed under Talks about the UN Heart-Home


Below selections are one chapter in publication “Gratitude-Hearts Salute U. N. Oneness-Promise-Soul” 1988 Dec 31

The outer message of the United Nations is peace.

The inner message of the United Nations is love.

The inmost message of the United Nations is oneness.

Peace we feel. Love we become. Oneness we manifest.

The United Nations has a mind, a heart and a soul. Its mind tries to offer flowing peace. Its heart tries to offer glowing love. Its soul tries to offer fulfilling oneness. In the near future, a day will dawn when the message of the United Nations will be absorbing to the child, elevating to the common man, thought-provoking to the highly educated and inspiring to the seeker.

Each delegate is a force. Each representative is a force. Each nation is a force. The source of this force is a particular will. This will can be either the divine will or the human will. The human will wants to be with the world and in the world only on one condition: that it will be able to gain supremacy over others and maintain this supremacy. The divine will wants to be in the world, with the world and for the world without expecting anything from the world. The human will, at most, tolerates the world. The divine will constantly wants’ to liberate and fulfil the world. The human will wants to control and lead the world. The divine will wants to transform, glorify and immortalise the world. The human will in us needs the soul’s expanding and illumining purity. The divine will in us wants the Goal’s blossoming divinity.

The League of Nations was a dream-seed. The United Nations is a reality-plant. The aspiring and serving life of man: s universal oneness will be the eternity-tree. The goal of the United Nations lies not only in thinking together, bult in thinking alike. Each individual has every right to love his nation; but he must also dedicate himself in order to immortalise his nation’s relationships, inner and outer, with the rest of mankind, so that all can run together for the universal good of humanity. All nations together can build a temple. All nations together can make a shrine. All nations together can worship a Deity. At the entrance of the temple, the divine protection shall smile. Upon the shrine in the temple, the supreme illumination shall smile. Within the heart of the Deity, the Absolute Perfection shall smile. At the United Nations, what I feel is an inner voyage .. In its. inner voyage the United. Nations has to brave many temptations and setbacks. As we all know, defeats and failures are mere stepping stones in our onward march to perfection. At the end of its voyage, there is every possibility that the United Nations will be the last word in human perfection. And then the United Nations can easily bloom in excellence and stand at the pinnacle of divine enlightenment.

– Excerpt from “The Inner Message Of The United Nations” [delivered by Sri Chinmoy as part of  Dag Hammarskjold Lecture Series]; Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium , January 4, 1973. Fuller version  published also in  The Tears Of Nation-Hearts, Agni Press, 1974


Today’s United Nations Was yesterday’s perfecting Vision.

Tomorrow’s United Nations Is today’s fulfilling Realisation.

Unity is not oneness. A bud is not a flower.

Unity is the temple. Oneness is the shrine.

The absence of unity is imminent confusion.

The absence of oneness is the ultimate destruction.

The presence of unity is the immediate end Of human imperfection and limitation.

The presence of oneness is the glorious beginning Of man’s perfect Perfection. –

– Inauguration Meditation 14 April 1970

– Sri Chinmoy also appeared in , The Garland Of Nation-Souls, Agni Press, 1972

Peace is based on love: love for humanity and love for God. Peace is also founded on non attachment. No thirst for gain, no fear of loss: l0, peace is yours.

Peace is also based on renunciation: not the renunciation of worldly possessions, but of limitations and ignorance. And that peace is the true peace which is not affected by the roaring of the world, outer or inner.

-by  Sri Chinmoy; in “What Is The Aim Of Life?” appears in Yoga And The Spiritual Life. The Journey of India’s Soul., Agni Press,

The United Nations is not a thing to appreciate, admire or adore. Rather, it is the way, the way of oneness, that leads us to the Supreme Oneness.

– excerpt from “The United Nations As An Instrument Of Human Unification”[part of the Dag Hammarskjold Lecture Series] Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium, May 9, 1974 by Sri Chinmoy; appeared in  , The Tears Of Nation-Hearts, Agni Press, 1974

 The inner heart of the United Nations is flooded with peace. The outer heart of the United Nations is trying to spread peace all over the world.

– excerpt from The Heart-Peace Of The United Nations [part of the Dag Hammarskjold Lecture Series]; Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium, March 1, 1973 by Sri Chinmoy, appeared in:  The Tears Of Nation-Hearts, Agni Press, 1974

The United Nations sings one song: the song that says it is love-power that will conquer the world. No other power can conquer the world.

 – excerpt from “What Is The United Nations Really Doing For Humanity?” in UN Conference Room 14, May 31, 1974 by Sri Chinmoy, appeared in The Tears Of Nation-Hearts, Agni Press, 1974


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