“Eternal Journey” Film with Subrarmaniam 30 Nov 2018

Filed under MG Members in other events | Music and Songs | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation

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UN delegates and staff enjoy an evening of music for peace at a preview of “Eternal Journey,” a film featuring legendary violinist Maestro L. Subramaniam improvising to archival video performances of Sri Chinmoy’s instrumental renditions of his melodies. The event was held on 30 November 2018 at the Harbor Grand Studio in Manhattan. From left to right: Karma Sonam Tshosarm, Deputy Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Bhutan to the UN; Nayana Hein, Director, Sri Chinmoy Poetry Festival; Aye Aye Thant, daughter of third UN Secretary-General U Thant; Ranjana Ghose, Executive Producer of the film; Maestro L. Subramaniam, host of the event; Sadia Faizunnesa, Consul General of Bangladesh in New York; Ambassador Toshiya Hoshino, Deputy Permanent Representative of Japan to the UN; and Nilima Silver, General Secretary of the Peace Meditation Group.
