David Rowe to UN S-G Javier Perez de Cuellar – “inspirational benefit” – 1989 Apr 02

Filed under administrative history | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation

David Rowe

2 April 1989

Mr. Javier Perez de Cuellar


United Nations , New York 10017

Dear Mr. Secretary General,

I write. to express my strong support for the important work done by Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations.

As the former Executive-Secretary and Special Assistant to Ambassadors Moynihan and Young, I and other members of the United States Mission, sincerely attest to the inspirational benefit we enjoyed as a result of our participation in Sri Chinmoy’s meditational meetings.

The turbulence and tensions of diplomacy (perhaps even more so at the U.S. Mission) were frequently stilled through these meditations.

I hope that you might find some way to symbolically recognize this group’s efforts towards peace over the years.

I would also hope that the facilities of the U. N. premises afforded the the Peace Meditation Group for the past 19 years continue to be made available and that the accessibility to these premises be simplified.

Creative diplomacy may well be the product of inspired, meditative minds.

With best wishes for your continuing leadership,


 David Rowe

cc: Mr. Brian Urquhart



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