U Thant Peace Award – United Nations Development Programme UNDP -1985 March 19

Filed under U Thant Peace Award

U THANT PEACE AWARD GIVEN to• The United Nations Development Programme, for its sustained practical commitment to world progress through integral development and its dedication to the fulfilment of each nation’s unique potentialities.

The leader of The Peace Meditation at the United Nations, Sri Chinmoy, presented the U Thant Peace Award this year to the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

The presentation was made March 19 during a ceremony on U Thant Island, in the East River. Dr. Uner Kirdar, who accepted the award on behalf of UNDP, said: “You are granting us the biggest honour.” The award, he added, belongs to UNDP field workers and those “whom we are privileged to serve.”

In a subsequent letter to Sri Chinmoy, the head of UNDP, Bradford Morse, wrote: “This award . . . gives us new inspiration, dedication and energy to serve in the best manner millions of human beings in poor countries . . .”

excerpt from Anahata Nada December 1984-March 1985 -page 4.

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Sri Chinmoy with Bradford Mose

“The U Thant Peace Award not only gives us new inspiration, dedication and energy to serve in the best manner millions of human beings in poor countries, but also constitutes a high commemoration of the spirit of the late Secretary-General U Thant, a world leader who was a champion of peace and development. I thank you from my heart once again for the great honour, and send you my very best wishes and respect”

Bradford Morse, Administrator, United Nations Development Programme

From a statement on behalf of UNDP, dated 21 March 1985

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“It is the greatest honour which has been granted through me to UNDP today, with this award named after our late Secretary-General U Thant. We consider this award as a symbol of the service rendered on the part of the United Nations for humanity. We are very privileged, honoured and indebted to you today for what you have granted us.”

Uner Kirdar,Director of Division of External Relations, and Governing Council Secretariat; United Nations Development Programme

Shown receiving the U Thant Peace Award on behalf of UNDP on 19 March 1985

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United Nations Development Programme. –1985 March 19th, received on behalf of UNDP by:

  • Uner Kidar, Director of Division of External Relations and Governing Council Secretariat
  •  Bradford Morse, administrator of UNDP, gave statement on 21 March 1985.\




The 1985 U Thant Peace Award is Presented to

The United Nations Development Programme for Its:

  • Sustained Practical commitment to World Progress Through Integral Development — An expression of the Highest Spiritual Idealism;

  • Encouragement of Peaceful International Co-operation in the Spirit of the Charter of the United nations; and

  • Dedication to the Fulfilment of Each Nation’s Unique Potentialities.

Presented by

Sri Chinmoy: the peace Meditation at the United Nations

19 March 1985




About the U Thant Peace Award:

The U Thant Peace Award is a symbolic presentation by Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations to acknowledge, appreciate and admire distinguished accomplishments toward the attainment of world peace.

Recipients of the award must reflect the lofty spiritual ideals of the late Secretary-General of the United Nations, U Thant. Previous recipients of the U Thant Peace Award Include:

Some previous Recipients:

UN Ambassador Zenon Rossides of Cyprus, for his life-long emphasis on spiritual values as a basis for world peace and his efforts for national security and disarmament. This concern for security and disarmament is echoed in the recent speeches of Professor de Marco;

Dr. Jorge lIlueca, President of the 38th Session of the UN General Assembly and President of Panama, for his personal example in supporting the ideals of the UN Charter and his long-term service in international relations and International law;

Group offering the award, motivation and respect for U Thant (excerpted from various U Thant award presentations)

This humble award is offered periodically by a group whose members work for the international community in various capacities and have made an additional personal commitment to the world-uniting goals of the United Nations.

The award seeks both to inspire and to support the pursuit of the highest ideals of international service. We consider the support which the Meditation Group offers through this award as part of our own contribution to the spreading of these ideals.

The late Secretary-General U Thant, himself a life-long practitioner of meditation, appreciated and encouraged the early efforts of Sri Chinmoy and the Peace Meditation Group to bring to the fore the powerful spiritual ideals upon which the UN was founded.

The U Thant Peace Award was so named in honour of this contemplative world leader’s exemplary devotion to peace in both his personal and his political life.


Sri Chinmoy garlands U Thant on 25 May 1973, when he was guest of honour at the premiere of Sri Chinmoy’s play, Siddhartha Becomes the Buddha.

 The cooperation of mind and heart towards an integral life of Oneness

In the present day it is becoming ever more clear that a brilliant mind lacking the guidance of a luminous heart may prove to be a dangerous weapon rather than a constructive tool. On the road to peace, great minds may clash, but when governed by good, wise and magnanimous hearts, they can work tirelessly together in the spirit of oneness.

In the words of U Thant, “Pure intellectual development unaccompanied by a corresponding moral and spiritual development will lead mankind from one crisis to another. Moral qualities of friendship, humility and the desire to understand the other point of view are as important as intellectual excellence.

U Thant was, himself, an Ideal exponent of this integral life. He made time every day for silent contemplation in the midst of his pressing duties as Secretary-General. His example continues to remind us that an awakened Inner life Is possible, practical and, Indeed, essential for the peace-builders of today.

It is thus extremely fitting that we invoke his name as we honour recipients, who once again prove that a truly practical and effective life dedicated to world-transformation derives boundless power and Inspiration from the luminous spiritual heart.

Former Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld and U Thant.


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Separate Post- Photos from pre programme- Island , Arch, views form Island and boat.