1976 Activities Listings – Meditation Group

Filed under Listings - Register - Index by Date or Subject Category
Partial List of programmes, events, countries, individuals participating in activities of Sri Chinmoy: the Peace Meditation at the United Nations.

This list is indicative of the types of activities but not exhaustive of all participation or events. Some times a consolidated or partial list sorted by subject-category, date, person or country. To be reviewed and updated. Eventually to have embedded links to actual programmes or photos where they are available


25 February    -Classical concert for members of the U.N. community
4 March        -Film shown about meditation for the modern world
10 March       -Benefit luncheon for UNICEF
24 March       -Practical instruction on meditation offered to the U.N. community
31 March       -Benefit concert fur UNICEF, with guest artist Vasant Rai
5 April          -Observance of the World Day of Prayer
8 April          -Programme honouring the World Health Organization
14 April          -Special peace meditation for the sixth anniversary of the Group
30 April          -Reception for the U.N. community at the Jharna-Kala Gallery in New Yorlc’s Soho art district
10 June          -Viewing of a film on Sri Chinmoy’s art
24 June          -Classical concert for members of the U. N. commu oity
1 July              -Benefit play for UNICEF, “At Home with the Lincolns”, in conjunction with the U.S. Bieentennial
11 July           -Sri Chinmoy invited by the New York Convention Ecumenical Service to lead the invocation to the United Invocation ’76
16 July              -Meeting with Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim
29 July            -Commemorative programme to honour Dag Hammarskjold
16 September  -Viewing of a film on Sri Chinmoy’s an
17 September    -Meditation for Dag Harnnlarskjold on the anniversary of his death
20 September    -Seminar held in conjunction with the opening of the 31st General Assembly
I October           -Panel discussion exploring the role of the Secretary-General
7 October          -Classical concert for peace
1I October         -Centennial tribute to ~Llest ro Don Pablo Casals
29 October        -U.N. community children and parents benefit party for Universal Children’s Day, With proceeds going to UNICEF
22 November   -Observance of the lnt ‘ rnatio nal Day of Thanksgiving
23 November    -Commemorative tribute to U Thant
25 November    -Meditation Group invited to inauguration of Thanksgiving Square in Dallas, Texas

Shows the scope of the activities – at United Nations headquarters and around the world – of Sri Chinmoy and members of the Peace Meditation group, in addition to twice-weekly meditations for peace at the United Nations.