Silence…is the world-teacher yet unappreciated

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The following talk was given by Sri Chinmoy in the Chapel of the Church Center for the United Nations on Tuesday, April 1, 1975:

Silence, silence.

Silence is our aspiration-plant.

Silence is our realisation-tree.

Silence, silence.

Silence transcends our mind-seed.

Silence transcends our thought-fruit.

Silence, silence.

On earth, silence speaks most eloquently. In Heaven, silence acts most powerfully. In God, silence lives most fruitfully.

Silence is the illumination of our earth-bound greatness. Silence is the illumination of our heaven-free goodness.

Silence, silence.

Silence is the world-teacher yet unappreciated. Silence is the world-student yet unrecognised.

Silence, silence.

Silence is at once the beauty of the universal creation and the duty of the transcendental Creator.

Silence, silence.

Silence is man’s ascendence in God, for God. Silence is God’s transcendence in man, for man.

– Talk by Sri Chinmoy, 1 April 1975, in Chapel of the Church Center for the United Nations. Appears in Union-Vision, Agni Press, 1975.