God: The Supreme Actor. World: The Divine Audience 1972 Feb-03 pre-print

Filed under Talks and Meditation themes

Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium United Nations Secretariat  Meditation and talk given by Sri Chinmoy –  – to the members of the Meditation at the United Nations Group.  feb 1972. This is early copy before the regular Publication “Meditation at the United Nations ” began in 1973.

Most of the Talks and themes for Meditation were also published in “The Garland of Nation Souls” Book  by Agni Press in 1973.

God: The Supreme Actor.
World: The Divine Audience.

The Supreme Actor reveals His Love.
The Supreme Actor fulfils His Truth.
The divine audience believes.
The divine audience achieves.
Self-awakening is the belief of the
divine audience.
God-discovery is the achievement
of the divine audience.

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